Moms with boys, need help please.


Mamas with boys... I need some help please. I always hear about how "special the mother & son" bond is. Can you please tell me more?  I have a 14 yr DD and 14 weeks preggo now. 

I somehow have convinced myself it's going to be a girl. My husband has a 11 yr son. He's sweet, but lots of drama with he and his mom. She's horrible. So that has kinda skewed me, my husband, and my daughter into all wishing for a girl. 

We are doing gender reveal on Sat and based on a few things, but I can't confirm for sure until then, I think it's a boy. I have to say my heart sank a bit. Now, before you get mad & tell me to be grateful, I will remind u I spent 15 months to get pregnant. 3 IUIs, 4 IVFs. IF we would have had more than 1 embryo, I would have never chosen the sex. I wanted that to be Gods will and wanted a baby, of either sex. I still have some of my daughters misc things and bought a few things 2nd have recently. So I know I have done this all to myself. I know I will love the baby no matter what :-).   Trust me, I was one of those 4+ months ago when people were "disappointed" with the gender that I wanted to punch them and say be grateful!!!! 😬 

Just looking for any feedback for those with sons. I know this is my own child and I can't let my stepsons behavior it his moms skew how my own son will be. On the positive side, my husband can raise this son as he wishes versus being under "her" control. I would have loved him to have the daughter/dad relationship though so I'm disappointed for him there, but,.. hey I don't make the boys, he does lol 

Thanks Ladies!!