
Myiesha • single Mom of 3 boys..Boy#4 Sept 12
I did my first couponing the other day. I bought 5 packs of wipes 2 packs of diapers all for 15.00... I saved 11.50 on my total... I was super excited. I have every coupon app downloaded on my phone.. I'm going to start couponing for all my household items and for my boys. Plus I really don't have to have a baby shower. I can just coupon and buy diapers and clothes everyweek when I get paid. I also been finding a lot of cute baby boy clothes on clearance at Wal-Mart for $2.00 and $5.00. IMA BE ON THAT COUPON SHOW ONE DAY JUST WATCH LOL.... Sooo Who all does couponing