Baby girl birth story!

Ps. I had no signs of labour! I had a bit of Braxton hicks but that went on for weeks, I also had no sign of my mucus plug. 
I thought I was gonna pass my due date for sure!

So finally I'm writing this 2 months later! Lol

I've always wanted to post one of these because throughout my pregnancy I loved reading other people's stories!

My baby girl Emma Aparecida Zettel was born on her due date April 2nd, at 2:27 AM, weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces ❤️

So on April 1st, I started having contractions at around 1:30 am, they weren't too bad, took me a bit to realize that it was contractions aha 

I was up for awhile but then fell asleep for a couple of hours. Around this point my contractions were all over the place, they would last 1 minute, but be like 17, or 5, or 10 minutes apart. Then around 10:30 am I went out with friends and hubby to a syrup maple fest they had in my town, so we were walking for awhile, and I feel like that helped a lot with moving the contractions, and at that point they were getting bad, when they would come I'd have to slowly walk and breath through them. 

Then at night they got pretty bad, but I was trying to be strong about it, I didn't wanna call my midwives and go to the hospital and get sent home because I was only like 2cm. So I stuck it out, breathing deeply throughout the contractions. 

But then around 10:30-11ish I couldn't take it anymore, at this point I was lasting for 1 minute and it was 6-7 minutes apart. 

My midwives told me to follow the 511 rule, contractions last for 1 minute, for 5 minutes in 1 hour. 

But I really wanted some relief, so I said let's just check and see what they say. So I called, explained how I was feeling and they said to take a bath and see if it helps the contractions. 

Except that didn't work at all, it felt terrible to have contractions in the tub. And the 1 minute was feeling like 10 minutes, it was terrible. 

So I gave maybe 20 and called again. And then they decided it was time to go to the hospital to see how I was doing. 

Throughout this whole time hubby was telling me to breath ( it was the one thing I told him to always remind me cause I'd forget), and look so sad cause he didn't know how else to help, looking at me in so much pain. 

So then I called my sister in law to take us (we both don't drive), this was around 11:45ish. The drive was killer, any speed bumps would make me wanna die. So we got to the hospital, I could barely walk, they listened to baby and she sounded good, then they checked me and I was already 6cm! I couldn't believe I was already so far! 

Because I didn't have health insurance and had to pay it all ourselves (some personal immigration issue) if I got an epidural we'd have to consult a doctor which would be even more expensive. So I stuck it out and didn't have any drugs ! 

Let me tell you that was hard as hell, it felt like forever but at the same time it went by quick, from the time I got to the hospital and by the time she was born it was 2 hours. 

Contractions were killer on my back, so every time I had one my midwives and hubby would help massaging my back. And what also got me through labor was breathing, it's the one thing I'd recommend to any mommy to be, don't forget to breath!!!

Then at last I had another contraction and had the urge to push and that made my water break, which felt super weird, and at this point I had totally forgotten my water still had to break lol

But then right after I was ready to push, and pushing felt so great! All the pain from contractions went into it and just felt like a relief, I pushed a few times and soon my baby girl was laying on me :)

It felt surreal, that she had just came out of me, that we had created this little human. 

Today she's around 2 months and I can't remember what life was like without her. 

For me contractions felt like a very bad stomach ache, and what makes it worst is heaving them so close together, because you can't catch a break!

But I'd do it all over again to have her in my arms❤️❤️❤️❤️