Robert Henry Conway June 13th 😍


*LONG* *SORRY!* *Pictures below!*

My due date was June 20th, on Tuesday June 13th I woke up about 630 and my first thoughts, all groggy and not even opened my eyes, 'I'm gonna have this baby today'. No determined like hes coming whether he wants to or not but more just a feeling deep in my gut, but I ignored it and went on with my day, took care of my two year old daughter and set up our room- my husband is in school two hours away in another state and our daughter and I live part of the time with him and part of the time at my mothers and we all finally just moved into her new house on Sunday. So all of the furniture in the house was in place but we all had boxes half unpacked and organized. Our room was so close to finished aside from my daughters toys and shoes, most of Robbys stuff and a few small boxes of my things. Around 930 I slip on my daughters coloring book and a hanger, one under each foot. I basically do a split and catch myself on a dresser and the wall. My hips and back pop hard so I give my daughter her tablet and we lay in bed to nap. I sleep until about 10 where I wake up and get a snack. Im having cramps and back pain but ignore it and get to work putting things away. 1030 I start having mild contractions, Im home alone and mom wont be getting off work anytime soon so I push through because this room HAS to be done before Robbys born. So about 140 the contractions were really beginning to hurt and were just under 4 minutes apart and I go to the bathroom and my bloody show happens, huges gobs of mucus and bright pink blood, so I text my mom and let her know. She calls my husbands grandma-she works a few blocks down the road sitting for a man- so she leaves and comes to sit with me and keeps Ellanor, my daughter, occupied while we wait on my mom to leave work. I call my husband and the contractions are getting worse. He tracks them for me and they're about 2 minutes apart but only 30 seconds long, we get off the phone and I know he has school in the next morning so we decide that he will come up tomorrow after school. Mom is there by 240 and we leave immediately, Ellanor goes with her Mamaw to her house, our bags in the car we head to the hospital and make it there by 330 they immediately hook me up to the monitors. At 4 they check me and Im at 3 cm and fully effaced but my waters are bulging, they were worried he could be breach but upon checking me again an hour later they can feel his head down by my cervix though the water was still bulging and still only being at 3 cm. The contractions still steadily 2 minutes apart and getting longer and stronger. 9 they check me and I am just barely at four and in horrible pain so the nurse gets me a birthing ball to bounce on. That makes me sick. So I go to the bathroom, puking and pooping my brains out. At 930 they give me some stadol. They check me again and Im at 5cm almost 6cm and my water sack is bulging hard. They call for an epidural for me and he gets it in around 945 maybe 10. I tell them i feel like i have to push already, they tell me not to bc its my water bulging but check me again anyway. Im at 8cm. Water is bulging out hugely. Theyre rushing around setting up stuff for the baby calling my doctor, she doesnt live too far and is always on call for her patients, and im freaking out! The stadol is out of my system and the epidural isnt going to get enough time to kick in- even though it had only worked on half my body with my daughter I was willing to try again with my son for some form of relief. They check me again at about 1040, Im screaming and trying not to push. The doctor isnt here yet. Im at 10, the water sack is basically bulging out of my vagina and his head in the birth canal. They hold my legs together to the side and my mother holds one of my hands and another nurse holds the other. Im trying to hold him in and breathe through and god every contraction was like fighting nature. Holding him in. My doctor completely oblivious to what is going down walks in at just over 11 oclock and her scrubs half way on needing to put gloves on sees how dire the situation is. The nurses beg me to hold him in while she puts her gloves and face mask on while they position my legs just right to have him. I close my eyes, im screaming. The doctor tells me to push. "Youve been waiting on me push him out now" i remember her saying. And a few pushes the water bag bulging busts everywhere and his head is out and i push a bit more and his body slides out with another large splash of water. Its really quiet and theyre taking the cord from around his neck and hes a bit blue-i didnt know that at the time only after he was born- they got him breathing and crying pretty quick and my mother cuts his cord. He was born at 11:18 pm June 13th 😍 we call my husband and he wakes up and the first thing he hears before we say anything is our son crying. When he went to bed I wad only dilated to 3. He decides then and there he can miss one day of school and immediately drives the 3 hours from his apartment to the hospital to meet his son. *Pictures! From the moment he was dropped into my arms to being home tonight:) *