Advice/Experience Needed: C-Section vs. Vaginal Delivery

I'm hoping to get some advice or experiences from ladies who have delivered either way, or anyone on the off chance who made the decision I'm struggling with.  I'll try to keep this brief (but will likely fail) and appreciate anyone who takes the time to read it through.  
Currebtly 28 weeks with di/di twin girls.  Both babies are doing very well with no complications to them.  Been in the hospital on bedrest since week 25 due to a shortened cervix which has now stabilized at 1.1cm.  Also have gestational diabetes if that's of any note.  These are my first (and going to be only) babies as I'm 33 and have had 5 previous miscarriages along with a septum removal surgery which is the reason we are now having a successful pregnancy. 
I'm in a large hospital out of town with a big NICU as my town couldn't handle twins when I was admitted if they decided to come early.  My OB at home had recommended having a planned c-section citing they due to my septum removal surgery and subsequent scarring, I had the same risk of uterine rupture as with a VBAC.  In addition, he rate of having to have an emergency c-section to get twin B out was still high even if I managed to labour and push twin A out vaginally. 
Doctor I have here at the hospital has basically said he disagrees and that the rate of rupture is not that high as my scarring is only on the inside of my uterus where as with a VBAC the uterus has been perforated.  He also said the rate of emergency c section to get out twin B is less than 5% (unsure if this is nationally or locally to this hospital). 
I am now a bit confused and torn what to do.  I want my babies to be delivered in whatever way is safest for them (and me).  Initially we thought they were going to arrive so early that c-section was he only option and he added recover time would be challenging but different if they had an extended NICU stay.  Now that things are stable they are optimistic I will get past 34 weeks meaning I could be leaving the hospital with my babies.  
The reduced recovery time of a vaginal birth is obviously appealing as well as the reduction of possible complications which come with any major surgery.  But I will have been on bedrest for months by the time I go to deliver possibly, will I have the stamina and muscles to labour and push out not one but two babies? If I struggle is his going to out baby B in undue stress?
These are the thoughts I now have churning (along with many others).  So any advice, thoughts, experiences?  How did you deliver? Would you do it that way again? Any thoughts on the above info?
Thanks ladies and sorry for the long post!