Good Bye, Glow

I am here to say that in three days time I will be leaving Glow. That is when I am meant to start my period and I just figured that would be a good time. Why not leave now if you wanna go? You may ask. Because I so choose. I will say. Honestly because it will be Sunday and that just seems like a good time to end one thing and begin another.  Whether I start or have a BFP I will be leaving. It's nothing against the community or the app. I have just found myself consumed in this app and it's not healthy. This month was our first month TTC and we hated it. In April I was pregnant but miscarried but when I had issues I would just freak myself out reading things. Hated TTC and keeping track. I'm sure some of you know this and more depending on how long you've been TTC. So if I start I won't be keeping track. We are still young and if it happens it happens and if not we will move on from there. But we have our whole lives ahead of us. We want kids but it's not a pressing matter right now and it will give us more us time. If I am pregnant I'm also not keeping track here. Also was too consumed in it. I don't like being glued to my phone and ever since I got Glow that's all I've been doing. It's just not for me I suppose. I wish you all luck and happiness. And to those TTC, I send baby dust your way. Thank you all for being here when I needed you. ❤️