Please give your honest opinion...PLEASE

So I've known this guy for slightly more than a year. I fell head over heels for him after meeting him at a convention and I wanted to start something with him. I confessed after we hung out for 3 months and he said he didn't want a relationship. But i insist we should try something at least and one night, he came over to my place and we kissed. He started getting extra flirty after that and we started hugging in public, cuddling, makeout and yes. Sex. We met almost every weekend ever since. October came and our time together were shorten. From seeing each other EVERY week to seeing him twice a month. November hit and it was his birthday. I bought him a cake and we spent the evening together celebrating. December...he kept telling me he's busy cause of other things and It upsetted me. I went to a friend for support and he told me that 'what if he's cheating on wouldn't know that'. Those words hit me hard; ever since then I started feeling insecure and started suspecting him. I tried talking to him about it but he said he's not seeing anyone cause he doesn't want a relationship. Then it hit me...we...arent...really...together. I tried to be as happy as possible when I see him after that. Valentine's day came and I asked if he can spend the day with me...his answer: I'm busy. May: My birthday came and I asked him if he can spend time with me...his answer: I normally stay late after work. Though he did made an effort to hang out with me earlier that month and tried to celebrate it with me. But i couldn't enjoy it cause I was so mad about the constant excuses he's giving me, alongside with the shorten 'together time'.

I really really don't want to end things with him because I stopped being in a relationship for 2 years just so I can clean myself up for the next person I meet. If I threw whatever we have right now away, that means I've wasted almost a year on someone and I didn't really benefit from it.

Please help ! I honestly don't know what to do. I really want to be with him, but he doesn't want a relationship.

Should I still be with him and wait for him until he wants to be in a relationship?