Horrible Wife

Leyana • 💍 Wife & Mother 👦🏽👼🏽 👶🏽👼🏽
My husband and I got married when I was 12 weeks pregnant. So far, our entire marriage I've been pregnant and moody and lazy (due to having 0 energy) and I just feel like the worst wife ever. I never finish any of the housework I start, I've cooked maybe one meal total, I stopped working in March and every day I feel more and more useless. My husband works so hard and still comes home and picks up my slack. I have 2 weeks left until my due date and I keep telling myself that after our son is born I'm going to be a perfect wife and mother. I'll have dinner ready for him every night and the house will be spotless but I'm scared that that's not going to be the reality and I just think it's so unfair. I feel like I'm just this dead weight he's carrying around all the time and it makes me so depressed. It's been getting to him lately too and I just don't want him to me unhappy. At the same time I feel lightheaded and out of breath just making a bowl of cereal. He's so understanding but I just feel like something's got to give soon. I'm not looking for sympathy or encouragement I just wanted to vent because I've been feeling worse and worse by the day.