(Long Post) After a terrifying and traumatic birth experience, I am so thankful to God and the staff...

(Long Post) After a terrifying and traumatic birth experience, I am so thankful to God and the staff at my hospital that Evy Kate is here and healthy!!! I was induced yesterday at 40+4 due to a concern over my small pelvis and a big baby. I went into the hospital overnight for cervidil and began pitocin early the next morning. Everything was going really well and seemed routine. I was making lots of progress quickly with the pitocin and baby was handling it without any problems. After 4 hours of strong contraction less than 2 minutes apart, I decided I was ready for an epidural. Anesthesia came in and inserted the epidural with no problem and my nurse got me situated in bed. The nurse left to get a catheter and out of nowhere I started vomiting. My husband stepped into the hallway to get my nurse and she immediately came back into the room. She got me settled and went to insert the catheter but immediately stopped and requested we push the red call button to the nurses station. They came over head at which point my nurse began climbing onto my bed and announced she was holding the baby cord in her hand (a prolapsed cord). All of a sudden chaos broke out and 4 staff came running into my room and within less than a minute I was being rushed to the OR with my nurse still on my bed and her hand inside of me trying to hold baby off of her cord with only a sheet covering the other of us. My husband and mother were left in the labor and delivery room.  I was pushed into an OR of over 20 people and my DR was already there. The last thing I remember is someone putting a Doppler up to my belly and saying they couldn't find the heart beat and my DR saying we can't wait until she is out and beginning to cut before I was even numbed or sedated. Due to the emergency I was being put under general anesthesia. The next thing I know I was waking up in a recovery room with no family or baby 2 hours later. The nurse told me my baby was ok and would be in shortly along with my husband. I had to wait the longest 30 minutes of my life before they showed up from the NICU where they had been observing her. During this time, I learned that not only did my baby have a prolapsed cord but that during the emergency c-section she had gotten stuck and they couldn't get her out even with a vaccum. My DR ended up not only having to make the usual low horizontal incision but also a long vertical insion and pull baby out butt first. Due to all of the trauma to my uterus during delivery, I then began to hemorrhage. I am so thankful to God that despite all of this my baby girl and I are happy, healthy, and alive!!!! I have a very long recovery ahead, a high risk of infection, and will probably need a blood transfusion tomorrow but would do it all over again for my precious little girl. I am happy to report she is healthy and will have no long term complications from her delivery.