I am a loss for words

I am a loss for words! Oh my god.. it's here! I don't know if I should cry or smile. So I'll do both. I decided to take a test this morning at 7:17 am, June 17th 2017 and it's positive! I am not too sure if I should take a couple more tests to be on the safe side? I'm not even too sure how far along I am! I have so many questions. I've been trying all this month, and got excited when my period was two days late. I am shaking ohhhh my goodness!! Does anyone have any tips on what to do when you find out you're pregnant?! I'm still shaking haha! I don't know what to do?! Where do I start?!
The only thing I am now scared of is telling my friends and family, any advice on how to tell the inlaws? My boyfriend has a previous child with someone else, and they already show enough love to her it scares me that I might get something different :/ ( the way his mom talks to me it's like the grandchild now is the only one she wants) . Also my mom was the mom to say "kids will ruin your life! Don't have them!" I'm 21, I don't know how she's going to take this. And lastly, my best friend.. he doesn't like kids and told me that if I were to have kids that he wouldn't talk to me anymore. I'm scared of losing these people. I'm sorry for asking for so much advice but I really could use some.. and I know you ladies have a few tricks up your sleeve <3