incredibly frustrated

So I am 39 weeeks and This is my second trip to the hospital this week. One was for a UTI which was causing such bad pains I couldn't sit down and they kept me over night did a crazy amount of tests and then I just went home. That was Monday. NOW I'm in the hospital because I honestly think I just pushed myself to hard today with walking the dogs and more activity then I have done in the last week and YET AGAIN, I'm in the hospital overnight to be watched with no contractions my cervix is closed tighter then Fort Knox and all I can do is sit here and feel pissed off and annoued. I understand being safe then sorry but I just wanna take everything off get in my car and go home. I'm so uncomfortable I'd rather be uncomfortable in my own bed then 10x's more uncomfortable in a hospital bed getting poked at because nothing is happening. My husband seems disappointed that there's no movement otherwise which also makes me upset so I'm sitting here at 5 am getting kicked just waiting for a dr to come tell me I can go the hell home and sleep in my own bed. There was some talk about inducing me or something but that was vague. It's stuff as hell I can't have anything to drink and I feel like I'm getting nothing but vague answers with a side of cotton mouth and it just all and all makes me more and more frustrated that I'm sitting here just to go right back home in the same state with no change and no answers.. UGH!! I am so frustrated.