can't believe he did this

So back in march I lost my job for no reason at 25 weeks pregnant. I already had plans to go to school for cosmetology and I was suppose to start in May. The classes were at night so it would of worked okay with my schedule since I only worked 3 1/2 days. So it was up in the air at that point, but I found a barber shop hiring for receptionist so I quickly applied and two weeks later I got the job. This barber shop has 4 locations plus their own barbering school. So at the interview I told them how I was going to cosmetology school so this job was good for me and just letting them know my schedule. Well he asked why I didn't just come to their school and work for them. We talked it over and it made better sense and was something I was more interested in doing. So I started working for them for about a month, then got signed up for school. The instructor asked if I wanted to work at the school as reception and they'll send their receptionist to the shop I was at. So that way it was a closer drive, and if it wasn't super busy while working I could take a hair cut or two and the manager could watch the desk, and they'd count my work hours as school hours. Mind you everything has been ran by the owner and he was totally okay with everything. Like my boyfriend kept saying, too good to be true. Not yesterday but the day before the owner decided he didn't want me working at the school while going because conflict of interest? So I'd go back to the shop I was at or another location. And they'd still count my work hours for school. Which sucked in a way because like I said if I was here I'd get some floor time still so that was going to have to be figured out, which was whatever we'd figure it out when the time comes. Well then yesterday he called my boss and told her he didn't want me working at all and wants me in school full time so tomorrow(today)will be my last day working. Like what? You just deiced I'm not going to work and go full time without asking me? So are you going to pay my bills and pay for kid? Right now I wouldn't be able to work until august anyways because the next two weeks is when classs start and it's maditory class so I wouldn't be able to work anyways, then after that if I even make it that long because I'm 3 1/2 weeks away from my due date. Then I'll be off for 6 weeks and I start the classs again the first week of September. So when I do start classes again what am I suppose to do for work. I mean school full time, work part time, my boyfriend works 50 hours a week and he works 14 hour shifts at night so when he gets home he goes to bed obviously. Let alone this is our first child as it is and he's only going to be about 8 weeks at the time. I talked to my mom about it and she said if this is what I want to do then don't worry about anything but school and the baby, and she'll take care of my finanaces until I'm done with school. I'm so greatful for that and she keeps reassuring me it's okay and if she couldn't afford it she wouldn't do it, but I still feel so bad I'm putting that finance burden on her. And I can't believe he just screwed me over like that. So now my boyfriend doesn't even want me going to school, and my friend said I shouldn't come here either. But it's still what I want to do, and I can't keep fucking around working dead end jobs. And the instructors here are the best in the area. And it still makes sense career wise for me to still do it. And my boss/instructor said she'd talk to some of her friends that are salon managers and see if she can get me a job somewhere just enough hours to make some money and not be away from home so much. It just sucks he did that to me. And he's always talked about me working at one of the shops after I'm done, which I'm definitely not going to do now. It's just stressful I have to rely on my mom to pay for everything which again I'm so greatful, I still just feel bad.