What would YOU do?

Alexa • Married mama of 2 crazy kiddos 💍💕 Callen & Bennett 👶🏽👦🏽
So I have had my Mirena out for 9 days now. Ever since, hubby and I have been BD pretty much every other day. I had Mirena in for over 4 years, didn't get a period and therefore have no clue when my cycle is or when I'm ovulating. I know the chances of us getting preggo RIGHT after taking out my IUD are slim, but I'm not sure what to do because I have nothing to go off of!! 
Do I just keep BD and wait til my period eventually shows up?
Do I take an opk to try and figure out when my cycle is/when I'm ovulating?
Do I do nothing and just trust the universe and see what happens??
What would YOU guys do?? My hubby and I wanna get pregnant SO bad and it's hard not knowing AT ALL wtf is going on in my uterus!! 

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