AF due July 12th

Hey guys, my husband and I have been trying for #1 for 3 1/2 years with no luck. We have been married 5 years and together for 6. I am 23 and he is 25. We are from Pennsylvania, but due to the military we are living in North Dakota. We have been raising my 10 year old sister for 2 years now, and she's constantly asking for "a little brother or sister", which just kills me. This month was my first round of clomid and metformin. And I just had my follicle study which the doctor said I responded great to the medication. My lining is 10.2, and I have two follicles at 25mm & 20mm. I then got a trigger shot so I should ovulate tomorrow!  So here's to BDing and waiting! 💋💜 
✨✨✨Baby Dust ✨✨✨