pregnant again after early miscarriage last month


We found out we got pregnant straight away after my miscarriage last month just really hope this one sticks! Is it a good sign that I tested at the same time as last time but my tests lines were much darker and I also got 2-3 weeks on the cb digital and lays time as the same time I only got 1-2? And the lines seem to appear on the tests a lot quicker and darker this time? In the uk so we don't get hcg testing so wouldn't have a clue what my hcg levels are? 
Just to update we had a bit of scare at the weekend as I woke up with bad cramps sweating etc but had my hcg tested and had a scan today and saw a heartbeat! So great to see it flickering away on the screen! What a relief! 
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Posted at
Congratulations!! We were pregnant, miscarried really early, didn't have a period and got pregnant immediately after miscarrying. Found out at 9 weeks we were having triplets!! Good luck!! ❤️


Lynsey • Jun 23, 2017
Oh wow triplets! Amazing! xxx


Danielle • Jun 23, 2017
They are definitely a blessing! 2 years old now and running around like crazy people lol


Morgan • Jun 23, 2017
what a blessing congrats!!


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Posted at
I had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy and a month later got pregnant again. I now have a beautiful healthy 18 month old and I'm pregnant again. Good luck to all of you and keep your heads up! :)


Dina • Jun 24, 2017
Thanks meg this will b my second miscarriage in 6 monthes so I'm hoping for my rainbow baby very soon🙏🏻🙏🏻


Me • Jun 23, 2017
Its different for everyone and in my experience its different after each miscarriage. xx


Dina • Jun 23, 2017
How long did it take for your cycle to go back to normal. I am currently having a miscarriage now and want to start asap as my cycle gets back to normal!!


Posted at
Congrats!!! Reading this gives me so much hope as I miscarried on 06/11/17 at 5 weeks/5 days. We had started trying just this last Saturday and all I can do is hope and pray we are blessed again soon.


Posted at
That's kind of my situation. Miscarried in April and got pregnant immediately following. I knew I was pregnant, before my test showed and the tests started showing up much faster than last time. My hcg levels were just rising a lot faster this time :) now 7w1d!


Lynsey • Jun 20, 2017
Hope it works out ok for you Donna fingers crossed xx


Savannah • Jun 20, 2017
oh no! I'm do sorry. I really hope everything is okay!


Donna • Jun 20, 2017
Snap exactly the same as me! But unfortunately I've started bleeding again booked in next week for another scan but am not getting my hopes up x


Posted at
Did you have af inbetween if you don't mind me asking? 


Chloe • Jun 22, 2017
I might give it a couple more days and do a test. I haven't been tracking or anything as was on holiday and just having a good time took us just over a year ttc and then mc very early around 4-5 weeks. Il keep you updated over the weekend. X


Lynsey • Jun 22, 2017
Have you done a test? My husband said he just knew I was but I didn't?! Good luck hope it works out for you too! xx


Chloe • Jun 22, 2017
Fingers crossed we're same we've just come back from a holiday and it's been nearly 5 weeks since our mc I just assuming it's just messed up only time will tell. Fingers crossed everything is perfect for you 😁 xx


Posted at
I am in the same position. Here's hoping our babies stick this time. Xxx


Me • Jun 22, 2017
I hope you are right. X


Lynsey • Jun 22, 2017
Good luck hope this one stick for you too! Weirdly I feel more relaxed this time as I was fearing the worst last time and it happened so this time I know I'll get through it if it does again but I've got a good feeling about this one 😍 xxx


Posted at
I'm in the same boat! Early miscarriage last month and now I'm 4 weeks today. I'm scared and excited at the same time!


Su • Jun 22, 2017
Good luck to you too!


Lynsey • Jun 22, 2017
Good luck! Really hope we all have healthy happy pregnancies xx


Posted at
My sil miscarried then got pregnant about a month almost 2 later. Feel lucky and blessed it can take longer for some. Congrats 


Posted at
Congratulations!!! That's so wonderful 😍We just lost our first in May and had a D&C on June 1st. Still waiting to see if we'll get a bfp or AF.


Su • Jun 23, 2017
Good luck and baby dust to you on your journey!


MP • Jun 22, 2017
We hadn't started "ttc" so it was a surprise but now we absolutely are ready


MP • Jun 22, 2017
Thank you! That's what I've heard.. hope it's true for us also!! We lost our first due to a bad wreck I was hit head on and had severe abdominal trauma that led to the mc💔