

I'm so frustrated with my cycle, not to mention the anxiety from not knowing what is the reason, and general anxiety from hormone fluxes during ovulation, which is finally happening today- on day 46.

Lately my cycles have jumped all over the place ( from 55, to 25, 30, going on now to upper 40's for cycle lengths, bbt all over the place, when it was a normal 30-32 days), and I'm confused with what's going on. I haven't been diagnosed with pcos or endometriosis, and basically other than ovulation pain, I have no other pains, periods aren't that heavy, normal length all cycles.

My odd cycle length only started this year.

I need to make an appt with my OB, I know.

This feeling sucks, and all I wanna do is cry, but alas, I'm working.

I just needed to vent.

Any other ladies have this issue?

Side note:

I've been ttc for as long as I've been married ( was married at 20, divorced 1st husband at 26, married hubby #2 at 28. I'm 32 now), so a total of maybe 10 years, with unexplained infertility. My current hubby is A-ok on sperms counts.