Failing at Optimism

I am trying to stay optimistic this cycle. I'm failing. 
We had a chemical pregnancy last month so this month and were so sad about it. We agreed we would be on top of it and try again with my DH being fully informed of everything so I didn't feel alone in the stress of all of the charting and opk checking. 
We started BDing every other day a bit earlier than I thought we needed to and it worked out perfectly because I don't get a lead up to my peak day, I go from negative to peak and it just so happens that the first day we started BDing ended up being the beginning of my fertile week. We BD'd on peak day and then I ovulated yesterday and we tried but my husband couldn't finish. I'm regretting keeping him in the loop and despite how well everything else was timed, I'm feeling so down about missing yesterday while also feeling inadequate about him not finishing. I am worried the pressure is too much for him but I also hate doing all of this on my own. I'm also being ridiculous and feeling like yesterday's failure somehow negates the rest of the week...