Kirsten • Mother to three beautiful little princes a princess and five gorgeous angels. Endometriosis, Carnet sign, and flipped uterus. 🌈✨
So I went in last Friday and had a full blood work up done to find out if I am indeed pregnant. I was supposed to get my results today and THEIR COMPUTER SYSTEM IS DOWN?! Like it couldn't wait a day to be down?! It had to be TODAY?! I am upset about this I really wanted to know for sure today because I feel so sick and have A LOT of symptoms. I'm scared that they are going to tell me that my level is 0 this would be my fifth pregnancy (two living boys, one miscarriage, and a twin ectopic pregnancy) their computers won't be up and running till tomorrow maybe even have to wait till Wednesday. 
...so here I am wondering if I am crazy.. or if I actually have my beautiful little miracle growing inside me.