birth control!!!

okay so i got my license recently so basically my mom doesn't drive us anywhere anymore because she gave me and my twin sister her old car and what would be the point of her driving us when we could drive ourselves? 
anyway a few days ago my sister and i had a doctors appointment to get some shots and get our sports physical forms filled out by the doctor as it's mandatory at our school. my boyfriend and i have been talking about having sex for a long time but i wanted to wait until i got birth control to be safe, obviously. well, in april we broke up for a little while and that's when i had my actual physical for my birthday. i had been planning on asking about birth control that day, but since we broke up there was no point as i wouldn't be having sex with anyone else any time soon. so i didn't ask the doctor about it.
fast forward a month later and we're happily back together after talking for a long time and sorting everything back out. so naturally the topic of sex comes up again and this time i have the perfect opportunity to ask the doctor about birth control finally! now my mom is pretty against me having sex, which is understandable of course, but still frustrating because she doesn't support my chocie of having sex. my view point is, if i'm going to do it regardless of whether or not my mom supports it, i should be as safe as possible. i tried to talk about this with her many times and it always ends in tears and fights. 
well, finally at the doctor's office this past week i drove me and my sister without my mom. i was nervous as hell because only me and my boyfriend know i was planning to finally get birth control that day. so after the doctor gives us our forms back, i quickly ask her if i can ask her a question in private. naturally my twin is sus af but she leaves anyway. 
i'm so glad i finally asked, because my doctor was so great and supportive and i know this story is long but i just want to say to those of you who want to have safe sex but your parents don't support any sex at all, or you just don't want your parents to know period, the next time you go in to the doctors just ask! my doctor was great and really helpful and i picked up my pills at the pharmacy the same day. i felt so empowered because i was choosing what i wanted to do with my body and i felt great about it. plus who doesn't like safe sex?