Get this thing OUT of me!

I am OVER IT!!!!!! 
I have had nothing but problems since finding out I was pregnant with this sweet little boy. I am currently 32+3weeks and I just flat out OVER IT! Preeclampsia, Thrombocytopenia and have 3 kids already while being a stay at home mom... I am just done! I want him OUT! And you people that feel the need to say "you should be thankful you are able to have kids" why Yes, I am extremely thankful but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it. I HATE being pregnant! All 3 of my previous pregnancys were the exact same complications! I have reached my breaking point and I am just done! Extremely bad heart burn that no pill can fix, 10+ nose bleeds a day, swollen all over, no sleep and a husband that does NOT a damn thing to help. Oh, and I forgot to mention the 2-3 different doctors appointments I have to go to WEEKLY. I'm just done. Mentally and physically done. I just want it to be my due day already so I can get this non stop moving thing out of me. 
Ok, thank you for letting me rant.