Surrogate mother... for vanity?

Ali • 27 years young. 4th Grade Teacher 🍎📚🖍
So Kim Kardashian and Kanye West has hired a surrogate mother to carry their 3rd child. I'll start off by saying I'm really not a fan of this family... I could care less about them. But, it really bothers me that soooo many people are talking about it saying she's doing it so she doesn't ruin her body and she's doing it for vanity. When in reality KK has already had 2, what's one more and she really did have complications with both pregnancies and her doctor said her 3rd is life threatening because she was diagnosed with preeclampsia which is veryyyyy dangerous. She was diagnosed with placenta accreta which is also not good at all. Just because she's famous people forget that she's a woman. As if it's not common for women to not be able to carry a child due to medical issues or women who aren't able to conceive. 
Like I said, I really don't keep up with the family but I'm on social media enough to know she really had complications because it was all over Facebook twitter etc. Just bothers me people are putting a bad name to surrogacy as if women do it to be vein and for vanity. 
Surrogacy is a beautiful and wonderful thing for women and men!