I'm so lost and confused.

Stephanie • I'm married and blessed with a two rainbow boys! A baby on the way & 3 babies in heaven.
My emotions are driving me crazy. I was told I was having a miscarriage on Jun 5th. I was 5 wks.
They did a ultrasound and saw nothing. My hcg lvl was 57.. two weeks later I'm still dealing with bleeding/spotting and a few days of unbearable cramps.. I went back to the doctors, hcg was 67 and ultrasound showed a mass of tissue in my uterus. Went to a follow up appointment bloodwork and talks about me possibly needing a D&C.. just logged onto my health portal and see my hcg lvl is now in the 80's. I know if I was truly still pregnant that number would be much higher.. I passed so much tissue around the 5th of June so I was shocked to see there was tissue left. I'm starting to think I was pregnant with twins or more. Idk, I'm so confused on why my hcg lvl keeps getting higher..