Any reason to worry??

At 21 weeks I found out my cervix shortened to 2.4-2.5 and was put on progesterone pills taken vaginally. I've been forgetting to insert them for the last 5 nights...this morning at 24+1 I got extremely nauseous like I was going to throw up, it felt like how I use to feel in the first trimester with my morning sickness. I didn't throw up however. I've been nauseous on and off for about 5 hours so far. It normally spikes when I try to lay on my other side and vice versa. Now I'm experiencing some diarrhea. I know these things could be a sign of labor approaching for moms who are 34 plus weeks but being that I have an incompetent cervix this is worrying me. My mom who is a NP in labor and delivery told me to keep myself hydrated and to let her know if it gets worse. Any of you ladies gone through this? Please comment and let me know of any advice you can give me. My baby is considered viable now but I don't want him to come out until at least 36+ weeks. 
UPDATE: I just wiped and seen what looks like little bits of my mucus plug but no bloody show.