Negative...Anyone with PCOS? Or Tips?

Im 19. Very close to 20 with a great job, home, and man who'd be a great dad. Im trying to have a baby. I have PCOS. Which makes everything harder for me. Beyond the hair and irregular period it makes it harder to conceive (so iv heard from my doctor. I was diagnosed at 14) Everytime i take that test its a negative and everytime my boobs get sore or I feel sick in the morning, im positive its positive. So when i do take a test it destroys me. My Aunt has PCOS and could never concieve and she maintained a healthy weight of 140 and became a vegan. Now shes 48 with no children... Maybe im not trying hard enough or I need more advice from PCOS women? I took another test this morning after a couple days of my boobs feeling the sorest they have been in a year or more and having really bad acid reflex/ heartburn. Iv been craving things. And yet another negative on the stick... Do any of you have a trick or have suggestions? Certain foods, positions, vitamins, just any tricks that worked for you. Yoga? Literally just anything. Id appreciate it. 😢