Labor and Delivery was a dream 💙

Ali • 1st baby boy born June 1, 2017. 2nd little guy born August 27, 2018. 3rd boy March 26, 2021, and pregnant with baby #4 due December 6, 2022 😍 I LOVE BEING A MOM.
I loved reading birth stories while I was pregnant, so I thought I'd share my birth experience. I'm a first time mom and my labor was pretty quick only lasting 5 hours total. On May 31st at 9 pm my contractions started. I was laying on the couch watching tv when I looked at my husband and said "well that kinda hurt" 😂 I started timing them, not thinking anything of it. I was trying not to get my hopes up. (Now that I look back, it shouldn't have even been a question that I was in labor lol) They were 3-5 minutes apart from the get go and felt like bad period cramps. I got up to keep myself busy for the next two hours. My doctor wanted me to wait til contractions were 3-5 minutes apart for 2 hours. So I did my dishes, gripping the sink every time a contraction came. I paced around my house, needing to pause and breathe every time a contraction came. I packed my hospital bag and took a shower. At 11, I told my husband that we should probably go to the hospital. For some reason I was still doubting that I was in labor. It was so surreal. So I told my husband to not be disappointed if we got sent home. (Again, I laugh at myself for even questioning that I was in labor). We arrive at the hospital at 11:30 pm, I get checked in and go to triage. The nurse is asking me questions taking her sweet time. I have a pretty good pain tolerance so I looked very calm and they didn't think that I was very far along. She finally checks me and says "oh you're at a 6 and fully effaced, I guess I should have checked you first!" I told my husband to call my mom and have her come to the hospital. The nurse asks if I want the epidural and I say yes. I had planned on getting an epidural my whole pregnancy lol. She's like "are you sure you don't want to do this natural, you're handling contractions really well." I was pretty set on having that epidural so I just giggled and said "nope, give me the drugs!" I got the epidural around 12:30 am. I work in the operating room at the hospital that I delivered at, so I know all the anesthesiologists. My coworker walks in and says "you just had to do this in the middle of the night." 😂 yup, just for you buddy. He did an incredible job with my epidural. He made it so that I couldn't feel contractions, but I could feel myself pushing. Anyway, at 1:30 am they finally have me all settled. The nurse says she'll be back to check me in an hour. But, before she could leave the room, I felt a huge gush of warm water and I'm like hey I think my water just broke. She checks me and says "wow you're at a 10 and baby's head is right there!" They hurry and call the doctor and rush to get the room ready. The nurse tells me to keep my legs crossed and try not to push. And let me tell you, that was the hardest part. My body was pushing without me doing anything and it was way more painful to not push. My doctor comes in at 2 am and I pushed twice. My little guy was born at 2:11 am on June 1st weighing 6lbs 2 oz and 18 inches long. I was exactly 39 weeks. I did not have any tearing and recovery has been great. I cannot even describe the overwhelming emotion you feel when your baby comes into this world. I was so proud of us both. My baby boy is my whole world and I can't believe he's finally here! Being a mom is the absolute BEST.