Baby girl at 37w4days via Forceps!

After being induced at 37w3d (due to restricted growth and low fluid) and 22 hours of labor followed by 4 hours of pushing my beautiful baby girl was born on July 22, 2017 at 2:36pm. She weighed in at 5 lbs 3oz and was 19" tall at the time. 
She ended up having to be delivered via forceps due to her heart rate slowing with each contraction and me being unable to push her out because she was sunnyside up and had her head tilted in the perfect way to not get past my pubic bone. We were about 5 minutes away from an emergency c section and I cannot explain how phenomenal and fact acting my team of doctors and midwives was in preventing the c section and getting her out. I will forever be in awe and extremely grateful (even if forceps suck). 
We are now home and she is a breastfeeding champ and honestly the most wonderful little peanut I've ever seen, but then again I'm pretty biased. Her dad and I are 100% in love with her.  I'm recovering beautifully and I feel great. I ended up with a 2nd degree tear but that's also healing wonderfully so I truly cannot complain. 
Aria Bailey White, welcome to the world! 💕
Now for a lot of pictures 
Daddy cutting the cord on the warming table ^
Finally getting to do skin to skin. She was taken straight to the warming table to get checked due to the semi traumatic birth and reason for induction. ^
Her "Mike Tyson" tattoo- the mark from the forceps on her face. It literally went away over night. ^
Daddy holding her for the first time ^
The next morning ^
With Mommy and Daddy (I know I look 13 in this picture. I'm 21, daddy is 24) ^
Today ^
Also today, also I've never had big boobs and I don't know what to do with them at his point hahah  ^