St Patrick's day to remember

It has taken me 3 months to get round to writing my birth story, I am only just now starting to get time to myself as baby Logan is sleeping much better.
Nearer the end of my pregnancy I was going for extra scans and blood pressure checks due to the size of my bump and high BP. At 38 weeks I started experiencing mild cramps and these came and went all week, I wasn't sure if it was labour pains so I just ignored it not wanting to get my hopes up. When I woke at 38+5 I managed to convince SO to have sex, I was hoping it would get things going. After sex I looked down and there was quite a lot of blood, I started to panic and phoned the hospital, I was advised to come in and get checked over. When I got there they reassured me baby was doing fine but my BP had went up again so they decided there wanted to induce me that day, I was in shock. 
At 5:15pm the midwife inserted the gel and by 8pm the cramps were fairly strong. I felt like I needed to poo, I was back and forward to the toilet thinking I must be constipated because nothing is coming and at 9:45 when I went to pee my water broke, from there on in it is a bit of a blur because the contractions got so intense they were lasting 50sec 2min apart, I wanted pain relief and the midwife checked to see how far along I was, I couldn't believe my ears when she said "you are not in active labour, you're only 2cm dialated" I thought if this is not labour I can't imagine it being any worse I wanted them to knock me out. She then asked if I wanted diamorphine to "take the edge off" 20mins later the contractions were still coming strong so the midwife finally said I can go to the labour ward for something stronger (2 hours after my water broke). When I got in the room they had gas and air set up for me which did help slightly after being in the room for 10minutes I told the new midwife that would be delivering the baby that my body was involuntarily pushing. She checked me and said you need to start pushing now! I was thinking that bloody midwife just told me that I wasn't even in labour. I asked for an epidural and was told I can't because I was too far gone. At 11:30pm she said he will be here in the next 10 minutes, My SO then asked me to try and keep him in to make it into St Patrick's day 🙄. Im not sure why but just then the contractions just about vanished, I think the diamorphine might of had something to do with that. I struggled for over and hour and finally managed to push him out at 12:58am. He cried for about an hour, I had a 2nd degree tear so I was getting stitched up while dad had a hold then my mum and gran came in the room, they had been waiting outside which I didn't know about because it all happened that fast I didn't have time to let them know I was in labour, I told them I was getting induced and it would probably take a few days, little did I know I would have him in my arms 8 hours later. Once they went home dad got down on one knee with a ring and proposed, I became a mum and fiancé all in one day, it was the best day of my life. 
Logan James Spence. 9lb