second job at 33 weeks

My current employer cut my hours to maybe 15-20 hours a week as apposed to the 38-45 I used to pull. His excuse was he wanted to make sure I didn't get hurt since I'm further along now. He felt I was stressed. I was fine, I'm more stressed now because my income has drastically changed and my BF has made it clear he isn't gunna pull any extra hours at work. I'm pissed, no FURIOUS and on top of that I've been to the hospital twice this month for contractions and I had to get betamethasone shots to help my baby and get my platelets back up because they dropped to 82,000. I have gestational thrombocytopenia. I have an appt to see a hematologist tomorrow morning and it's just so overwhelming for me right now. I'm upset, disappointed and on top of that we have to try and save money to move in 3 months because our lease ends and we can't afford to live here with the rent increase. I feel defeated and the fear of possibly dying during childbirth isn't helping. They told me prepare for the worst because the worst has yet to come, my placenta is still low and even if I can't deliver vaginally, a c section will be just as bad. They would have to cut THROUGH it just to get to my baby. And bleeding out is definitely certain there. I'm sorry I'm just stressed and needed to rant.