RRLT & EPO ☕️💊

Right so I've been drinking red raspberry leaf tea from 31 weeks, introduced the capsules at 32 weeks as they are stronger & started taking the lowest dose of evening primrose oil orally at 34 weeks. I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow where I will then double the dose of evening primrose oil. I've researched into it and found out that RRLT is a uterine tonic and EPO can slowly soften the cervix in preparation for labour. Both taken together can sometimes shorten the 2nd stage and make contractions more efficient. Neither of these 'induce' labour, your body will only go into labour when it's ready to do so. 
It takes weeks for the supplements to build up in your body, hence why I started taking them so early.
I'd love to hear your stories/experiences & whether or not it worked for you??