no help

Does anyone else not have any help from family? We don't talk to my in laws and my parents are both dying in a nursing home so we're on our own. My husband works 10 hours a day and he takes care of him when he's home and on the weekends but I'm starting to get exhausted. 
I just need a break. We have a baby sitter who has helped a handful of times but I feel so ridiculous asking her to come over so I can have a "me" day. 
With both of my parents sick, Im the one who has to put out all the fires for them, between Medicaid, hospice, the nursing home etc. it's getting to be too much with the baby and 3 dogs and a husband. 
I'm so stressed out that a few times a week I can't sleep. And then I'm just dying the next day (like today) trying to run on 4 hours of sleep. 
Then I start stress eating. Ugh. I need some ideas on how to manage everything and stay sane.