Anyone had problems after a miscarriage , or not being able to carry normal pregnancy after pill to start period ending into miscarriage, late periods after, hormonal imbalance anything specific.

J • Married to an amazing guy

So I had a miscarriage on Feb,20 2017 .it started out what I thought was my period for a whole week, normal no pain so I was like OK I'm on my days again, well let me tell you the weekend came of that week, I made me something to eat finished, once I got up my table a sharp pain sooooo strong together with wanting to poop real bad at the same time hit me I could not walk I was hunched over walking to the bathroom got on the toilet did #2 but that was the most painful poop I had ever felt together with strong cramp, pelvic, and abdominal pain I had ever experienced, so painful like if I was pooping my whole intestants out. My god I screamed and called my mom because I was visiting her. She layed me down on her bed I tried laying down on my right side, my left side, on my stomach, on my back sitting up i knew something was defenetly wrong no position could relieve my pain it felt like I was being stabbed threw the inside or something ripping my insides I told my mom it felt like labor pains because ive had 2 girls before .she said you don't think your pregnant and having a baby we should go to the hospital. I said how could that be if I've been on my period this whole week and I had been testing before I had my period and all were negative. So we go to the hospital lord!!!!!the torture didn't stop there well the nurses started asking for pee samples, blood work then the worst they had to stick a catheter to fill up my urine sack with water real painful had to get up with the catheter hangin get on a wheel chair get an ultra sound lord knows how long that was it felt like iternity with that catheter filling my urine sack full with the urge to pee but could not because of the water sack was clamped so that my urine sack could remain full unwillingly ugh!! they took me back into my room, finally they drained the water sack best feeling in the whole wide world best pee release feeling ever . then the waiting game began for the doctor to tell me the results. Hours later the doctor told me that i was pregnant but that I had lost my baby :(...... My heart and blood pressure dropped to the floor and I cried so much I was a mess crying it was the hardest thing I had went threw I had never experienced a miscarriage its so painful I feel so sad I couldn't carry my baby this whole time I thought was my period but I was bleeding my baby. Its so strange because I had tested and tested all negative and all of a sudden I get what I thought was my period I feel sad, confused, worried, and depressed so much that no one eles knows but me

I feel an emptyness inside. Before this happened I had went In to my doctor because my period would not start I was certain I was pregnant she did pregnancy test negative blood work came out that my hormones were not normal and that testosterone levels were higher than a normal female so. She prescribed me a pill to start my period got it the next month then a month later this happened to me it started with what I thought was my period. Sometimes I think ?could my doctor done an error ?,or just a natural thing? well I've been very depressed and sad today its been 2 months and I haven't had a normal period ever since the miscarriage now I'm wondering if Im pregnant again but I tested today and its all negative Im going to the doctor tomorrow again to see why my period has not started since my miscarriage. Hope this helps some of you with my experience. I kind of think that I was pregnant before my doctor gave me the pill to start my period. Very confused. Help! I need support.