babies bring good luck?!

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So I mentioned to a friend of mine how the "Chinese gender chart" was accurate in predicting my first born's gender. She had a dream the other night of a little girl, who she thinks is the baby in my belly. I decided to check the chart to see if there was a possibility, and there sure is! She realized I conceived in April, and she mentioned how I should keep the baby because she thinks "she's" bringing me good luck!
Despite not wanting to get pregnant anytime soon... (my daughter will be the "terrible" 2 in August, I still live with my mama, bf and I have to share one car, and I haven't gotten my associate's degree before having another kid as I've wished, etc.), good things HAVE been happening to me. I finally got my license, and a job I've been trying to get into for months. And hopefully there's more to come!
A baby is a blessing regardless and I sure will be keeping "her". Feel free to share your stories of luck and good fortune since being blessed with your baby/babies!!!