Baptize my son

So I just found out today that my fiancé has plans to baptize our son. We didn't talk about it previously, which we should have. It seems so strange to me to baptize an infant. He's catholic and I'm baptist. For me, we baptize once someone has been saved for the sins they commit. The person has to be 1) willing to admit to their sins and ask for forgivness & 2) actually understand what it means to sin and what it means to live the way God would want. And infant does neither of those things because he's too little to understand and has yet to sin at all. But he's catholic and that's how they do things I guess. I'm not against it, because really theirs no harm. Just in my religion, it's pointless 😓 has anyone else baptized their child when they didn't really want to? Did you feel weird about it??