Absolute BS

I'm fuming so I'm going to share my friends post from today with everyone:
So I was driving home from my pre-natal appointment, I'm 20 weeks pregnant, and my 19 month old son was sleeping peacefully in the backseat. We had just gotten to see pictures of his little brother and it was a good day.... so I thought. 
I was driving on 121 southbound in the left lane headed to Lewisville. Speed limit is 70. I was probably going 75. 
I see a huge black truck shoot from the left lane, passed a car via the center lane and shoot back into the left lane again so he's behind me. He proceeds to tailgate me aggressively, so close that in my Kia SUV, I could not see the grill of his truck, his headlights or the ford symbol anymore in my rear-view mirror.
I sped up to about 77-78. I understand the left lane is the 'fast lane' and tried to help this truck get some distance from me. He sped up. He maintained his 2 inch clearance from the back of my vehicle..... if I so much as tapped my breaks, he would have hit me. This scared the hell out of me. There was a decent amount of after lunch, 2pm traffic on the tollway and enough cars around that a wreck could have been devastating and most likely involved many other vehicles.
When the center lane cleared of cars, the truck shot out into the middle lane again to pass me via the center lane. He accelerated, passed me and got back into the left lane. I approximate his speed to be well over 80 mph now. I moved into the center lane and followed him, missing my exit, witnessing him drive aggressively like this to at least a few other cars.
I was rattled. I was shaking honestly. I exited, pulled over, and called 911. 
I reported him, but didn't have much hope that the troopers would catch up with him or pull him over, as we were approaching a major highway interchange and I don't know which way he went. 
I did, however see that he had magnets for a business on both sides of his truck, once when he passed me and again when I got over to exit and he was slowed by upcoming traffic. 
It only took me 3 seconds to ask Siri to look up the business. 
Graham Construction and Roofing. 
The Black, 4-door Ford Super Duty that was driving on 121 today with a Texas license plate beginning with JKM- I do not appreciate that you put not only my life, but my two sons lives in danger today when you drove with road rage and almost caused an accident. You also endangered yourself and many other drivers today on the road when you chose to drive recklessly and strike fear into the people around you. I can't fathom someone who would drive so recklessly and act like such a bully While they had their company info on display. That doesn't seem very smart. 
Your vehicle is big enough to take lives. Please remember that.
I spoke with Josh at the company after leaving two voicemails and sending a message on Facebook requesting a call. He seemed to nonchalantly apologize for his employee 'driving too fast' and stated that he will speak with him. Josh said that they are very busy and the employee in question was on his way to a job site. 
I don't want excuses. I don't want false apologies from a company who does not see the severity of this employees actions. I don't want the driver of the truck that threatened my families life to get a 'talking to'. I want him to be punished for his actions, lose his company vehicle and maybe his job. This is not acceptable. I should not have had a reason to fear for mine and my child's life today, but an employee of this company made it so.
Not only did they dismiss everything she had to say and basically blew her off, they also blocked her post from their page (even though you can still see it if you search their name), and apparently getting to a job is so important it's okay to endanger women and their kids. She just wanted them to apologize sincerely and to make sure there was some sort of reprocussions so he won't do it again. She doesn't want anyone getting hurt just because some asshole decided he needed to get to a job site.