Quick night nursing and sleep


I don't think I'm doing this right. My LO goes to sleep at about 9 pm then wakes up at midnight. I change her, nurse her and burp her...then it takes about 30 minutes to one hour for her to fall back asleep. She'll go to sleep around 1am then wake up again around 4am. Some mornings she won't even go back to sleep till 6am. Why is it taking her so long? Here I am at 1am trying to rock her back to sleep. She's definitely fussier at night but it normally takes close to 1 hour to get her back down. We are sharing a room, we have a night light on and most nights DH is playing video games or watching tv with soft volume on. I don't know if this is too much distraction for her. I would like to know what other moms do for their night routines.

I also feel that she sleeps very well in my arms swaddled but as soon as I set her down in her crib she start squirming or not go to sleep. Then I have to hold her for a LONG time before setting her down.

What am I not doing right? Her staying up these extra hours during the night is too exhausting. I need a more efficient routine or some ideas. TIA.