sometimes people are so self centered

My sis in law just had the cutest sweetest little baby girl. ADORABLE! When I found out she was Prego I cried to myself. But I never ever let that affect my happiness for her. It hurt she didn't have to try and keeps saying t was an accident and hell yeah good for her! Basically when I see her and we talk about baby etc...she always says I can't wait til you get pregnant to see how awful this feels and how sick I am blah blah blah. It hurts inside. I would give a million dollars to be in your sick shoes right now. Her and my mother in law and I guess grandma in law lol constantly ask why aren't you pregnant yet? Or when are you having a baby? Or any good news? Or ( his Gma) I wish you two would have a baby before I die. They know I'm struggling and I know they aren't doing it to intentionally hurt me but I'm not telling you again that it's not so easy for some people and that it's just not working out right now or that I'm having trouble getting pregnant. I shouldn't have to keep saying that and explaining myself. It hurts when I think about it. Sorry just don't know how to deal. I try to be a good person and be happy for her but her saying shit like that just continually tears me down, 
Thanks girl had to rant! Sorry!