holistic approach to infertility?

I am 26 with endometriosis. We have been trying for a year with no luck. The doctor is suggesting I see a fertility specialist. I haven't really accepted that I'm actually going to have to do that 😩.. it's almost like if I keep telling myself I'll get pregnant i will but obviously that's silly. My sister n law went through the whole Lupron/clomid thing as well as something that pretty much put her ovaries brought menopause? I don't know exactly but it like froze her ovaries. She has horrible things To say about all of he thins she had to take and I am curious if anyone has any suggestions that helped them besides the drugs? Or if you had great luck with them what was t like for you? 
I've had some people being up acupuncture and stuff saying it really works so I'm trying to research that.