Anxiety about stopping injections after successful FET

Hey ladies! I'm almost 10 weeks pregnant with my first after a successful FET in May.
Last week I was discharged from my fertility clinic and told to discontinue my estrogen and progesterone injections on Saturday, July 1st. I will be exactly 10 weeks on the day of my final injections. My OB said that the placenta takes over at that point and there is no need for the injections anymore. I know doctors are way more knowledgeable and they would not tell me to do something that is not in the best interest of my pregnancy, but I still feel nervous about stopping the shots. Also, I wish there were monitoring involved to check my levels of these hormones, but I was told it was not necessary. Can anyone else share their experiences of when they stopped their shots? How far along were you? Were you monitored? Thank you!