I accidentally delivered in my car!

I'm a 20 yr old ftm, so we all figured I'd go past my due date and have a long labor. Well it started Saturday I was 39+4 and woke up to contractions at 8am. They weren't bad at all but they were consistent so I knew it was time. By 10am they were starting to hurt so I woke up my boyfriend and said it's time let's go! He didn't believe me of course but we went anyways and got checked and I was only 1.5cm, so they said walk around until noon and we'll check you again. BOY LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT BACK LABOR! It hit me all at once and holy shit it felt like somebody was taking the end of my spine and pulling upwards. My tailbone had the worst pressure on it and seriously I felt like my lower back was being broken over and over again 😩 I was in tears bouncing on the ball, so you can imagine how upset I was when at 12 I had only dialated up to a 2. They kept saying I was in early labor and said to go home, take a bath, and wait until they "got worse". Well at that time they were already 3 mins apart and over a minute long not to mention how absolutely excruciating they were, but they sent me home anyways and basically said see you tonight or tomorrow. So I get home and take a bath, get out go try to lay in bed but it hurt so bad I was beating myself hitting my lower back, it was the WORST. So I go downstairs and lay over the edge of the couch and my man gets my an ice pack for my lower back and I'm beating myself with it every contraction. Now my family thinks I'm just not handeling labor well they dont understand how awful it was. It's now 2pm and I'm crying and start throwing up from the pain so my boyfriend says "okay we'll go back at 4" I went in the bathroom cause I felt like I had to poop the pressure was honestly the most intense thing I've ever felt, and I started bleeding.. dripping blood. I panicked and RAN out of the house practically naked, bleeding, no shoes, boyfriend comes out and were on our way back to the hospital. Well of course we had to stop for gas because that's just my luck so I'm sitting there begging God, just begging and begging for my baby to be okay for me to get to keep him I was so scared I really thought something was wrong. All the sudden I get a contraction that feels like my butt is literally coming out of my butthole.. literally. I thought it was coming out and the pressure was so bad I start pushing and POP my water breaks. Still at the gas pump. Still bleeding. Thinking I'm losing my baby, non stop praying. We get back on the road finally and this contraction starts that doesn't stop, I'm on all 4s in the seat chewing on the leather holding my breath trying to get it to stop but it won't, it felt like I was pushing but it didn't click that that's what I was doing it was just happening. Not 5 minutes after my water broke were getting off the exit I reach down to and there was his head. We pull up to the hospital and my poor boyfriend had no idea he goes to get me a wheelchair comes and opens the door for me and out comes baby's head! Thank GOD there was an off duty nurse walking by who rushed over and finished delivering him. After seeing his head come out I realized that he wasn't crying and I kept saying that he wasn't crying but nobody was listening.. I thought I lost my baby... after that it's all kind of a blur, I remember everyone yelling things and all the sudden there was like 10 doctors/nurses surrounding my car all panicking, I remember I screamed and then there was my baby on my chest, in the passenger seat of my car. He was blue so they were all rubbing him and I finally heard him cry. It was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard. My baby was okay. They brought us upstairs and got him checked out and finished delivering my placenta, I heard a nurse say my placenta had a blood clot whatever that means. And that was that, my baby was okay, he's perfectly healthy! My little man is 6days old now and he is amazing. He's the most beautiful little angel, I love him more than I knew was possible. I tore my labia as well as my vagina so I have 13 stitches but that's okay, my boy is healthy! I don't know how I went from 2cm to delivering in 2 hours, but I thank god that my little man is okay and that my body took over when I didn't know what to do. Chase Patrick came at 2:45 at 7lbs 1oz and 20 inches long, and he is incredible. We as women are so amazing and strong, our bodies are made for this! First picture is 9am when labor just started and the next is at 3pm when we were upstairs and settled. Thanks for reading ❤️❤️