am I overreacting or no?

My fiancée is in his 30s and I'm 19. Some people will judge but we really really love each other anyhow to get that out of the way we have been together for 7 months and I moved in with him from the start because of my old living situation . He has 3 kids and I have brought them into my heart so closely , anyhow .. the past few months he has been playing all sorts of video games for hours on end when he gets home from work , if it's not one game it's the other and I've told him so many times about how I feel that I want some quality time but he says I'm not considering his emotions too ? that he uses the game to decompress and not think about the many things that have happened these past few months with our families , car etc..
I got really fed up yesterday and just went off on him for once he got super upset saying that he's tried to explain to me that his mind races all of the time and needs to shut it down sometimes . I was telling him I want time with him I never get to do that anymore it's just me taking care of the kids 24/7. He called me a bitch for my tone of voice and that "my attitude is uncalled for"
Am I being irrational or is he?