What kind of fertility testing did you have?

Hi All, my husband and I are struggling with unexplained infertility.  We've both had all the standard fertility tests done and they keep coming back fine. 
My doc let me try Clomid in Feb and we did get pregnant.  Sadly, we had a miscarriage at 7 weeks along.  It took a full 2 weeks for my hcg level to return to normal.
I was just wondering if anyone has some non-standard testing advice?  You know how doctors say when you hear hoof beats you think horses and not zebras?  I want to start considering the zebras.  
I've turned 33 this year and we've been TTC for 2 years now.  Feel like we are running out of time to grow our family. 
Would love to hear any light bulb moments/discoveries to help conceive!  Thanks everyone!