2nd pregnancy after infertility

Kimmy • Wife. Mama. Aussie-American. Broncos Enthusiast. Kings Fan. Racing Groupie. Chocolate Addict.

My husband and I are conidering trying for baby #2 soon.

This is a big deal because it took almost 2 years, lots of ultrasounds, bloodwork, progesterone induced cycles, temping, supplements, and 3 rounds of Clomid to get pregnant with our first.

In May I had my first real cycle since having my son (almost exactly 1 year later). I have NEVER been regular. I can go 5 or 6 months without a period and have only been told I'm anovulatory?- hence everything I went through to get pregnant.

But I just had a second cycle 48 days after the one in May! Now... I think I might be about to ovulate on CD 14! What?!?!

I know this is a long shot, but has anything like this (or even remotely similar) happened to anyone else?

I would love to get pregnant naturally this time around. But I do have a dr appointment in a few weeks to talk through my options.