Feeling depressed

So my husband has been overseas for a week now, due to come back on July 28th. We found out I was pregnant 2 days before he left, so my emotions have been all over the place. 
I got a chance to speak to him this morning (we only get to talk once a day), and after we got off, I started feeling funny. I got short of breathe and felt like the room was closing in on me.  My body felt so weak and I couldn't move. Could it have been a panic attack?
It's hard not having him here to be with me when I'm having cramping, dizzy spells whenever I stand and other symtpoms. And he won't be here for my first ultrasound on the 17th.
It's also hard because other than us, I haven't told anyone about my pregnancy yet other than one cousin who works in the medical field. I'll tell everyone else after the ultrasound.
I'm starting to feel alone. I feel overwhelmed and not as excited about the pregnancy. I worry everyday that I'll lose this little one, and it sucks not being able to talk it out with someone