Venting about in laws...

I'm trying to keep this short but I need to vent.

For the past 6 months, since I had my daughter, my boyfriend and I have been going back and forth- the baby and I stay at my parents' house during the week (my parents don't want him to stay- totally another story) and he stays at his parents'. Then on the weekends, the 3 of us stay at his parents'.

BF's sister and two children were living at my in laws house up until recently moving out- although they are still there every weekend. They were total slobs and completely obnoxious... SIL would let her 2 year old scream around the house at 10 pm or give her baby a bath right next to the room where my 6 mo old is sleeping. My stuff was always misplaced or broken.

So this week, I stayed at in laws on Monday night because BF was off Tuesday. When we're getting ready to leave MIL says "I guess we'll see you Friday," and then (talking to other people right in front of me) says that I "grace them with my presence only on the weekends." In my opinion, totally sarcastic and a tad bitchy. I didn't respond.

When I asked BF about this, he says that she "just doesn't understand" why we go back and forth while we are home searching. She wants us to stay there all the time...

I don't want stay in a home that is too loud for my daughter and where I don't feel comfortable even setting things on the counter because I fear they will be lost.

I honestly think she makes a lot of snarky ass comments and sometimes I wish I was clever enough to be somewhat snarky back.

Sorry this is so long! Just needed to vent! 😑😑