First IUI planned this cycle, hopefully we will get to try this month

We were initially told we would have to do ICSI <a href="">IVF</a>, after DH gave a sample to be frozen for emergency back up for <a href="">IVF</a>, the analysis came back with sperm count almost 3 times the average of the previous analysis done. At this point we were told we were now candidates for <a href="">IUI</a> which was great hearing.
We are supposed to be doing <a href="">IUI</a> cycle this month, I am currently CD 13, clomid 50 mg was taken CD 3-7. OPT daily starting on CD 10. Using clear blue advanced test with blank circle for low flashing smiley face for high and non flashing smiley for peak. 
Test on CD 10 = low, CD 11=high, CD 12=high, CD13=high. This past month was the first time I got something other than low/empty circle on OPT. But I still haven't gotten the "peak" result. I thought with the clomid I would get my peak result but that doesn't seem to be the case. 
Any insights or thoughts on ovulation and if I missed it and we won't be able to do <a href="">IUI</a> this cycle?
I'm starting to get frustrated and overwhelmed. We've been TTC for 9 months now and I just seem to not ovulate. I would love to hear your guys thoughts ❤️❤️