Better late than never.. my Adam born 12th April 2017!


Firstly, apologies for the very late post but i guess it's better late than never!

My due date was 06th April 2017 but my LO decided he didn't want to come out just yet until the 12th April 2017.

This was my first pregnancy and unfortunately i had gestational diabetes so had to be careful on what i was eating. Due to this, i had regular scans and was told that i would not be allowed to go past 40 weeks. On my due date there was still no signs of labour so i was booked in to have 2 sweeps, followed by an induction. The sweeps got me going. I started getting alot of discharge every day, at times there was so much my underwear was extremely wet and a little bloody. The day before i was meant to be induced, I started getting minor tummy pains at 1am in the morning. I started timing them but they were short and every 10 minutes. I was in bed and tried to relax and hubby was asleep already. After a few of them my baby started hiccuping inside the womb and the pains stopped and eventually i fell asleep.

The next morning i told my hubby just to make him aware that it was likely to be soon. It got to the afternoon and i started feeling the pains again so told my hubby. We were still unsure of whether it was or not so just timed it and again it was very short and every 10 minutes. We started making dinner at around 6pm and whilst prepping it started getting a little bit more painful. We then sat down to eat and it was getting more and more painful where i had to stop what i was doing each time.

Eventually i went to the toilet to check and the lains started getting worse and worse by this time it was 8.30pm. My husband called the hospital and they asked for me to come in and get checked. He then called my mum in law and alerted her and my brother in law was asked to drop us off. I called my mum to let her know. When we got there we had to wait to be checked and eventually we were and instead of sending me home, they offered me to stay seeing my induction was booked in for the morning.

We settled into our room and all throughout the night i was getting the pains every 10 mins still but the pain was getting more painful each time.

By 5am i was started to scream my head off. My induction was booked in for 8am but there was no beds available so we had to wait.

By 9am the midwife came to update us that there was still no beds available but finally offered me the gas to reduce the pain. I immediately felt sooo much better! Finally around 3pm a bed became available and we were taken down to the delivery room. I was in so much pain by this time i was taking in so much gas i felt woozy everytime but i was so addicted to it i couldnt stop until the pain went. By this time i was pretty much out of it. All i remember was putting my trust in my hubby to make sure they were looking after me. I was asked to drink plenty of water as my pulse was high. I also remember vomitting and feeling sick as the gas in the room was stronger than that of the cylinder. I then remember being asked to pee but i was so dehydrated i was unable to. Due to this i had to have a catheter! At this point i didnt care what they had to do to me.. i just wanted him out! My poor hubby was so upset to see me in this state even though i was out of it.. i could see it in his face. After this, i had to have a cannula to receive fluids and whilst the cannula was being put in my wrist all i could hear was 'why is it swelling up?'. I was taking so much gas to ease the pain and eventually they got it sorted after a gruelling 15 minutes! Finally cut the story short, i was finally ready to push but due to his head being a little low they had to assist me in my delivery and i also had to have an episiotomy. Eventually my gorgeous baby was born at 9.38pm. Due to me having a high temperature during delivery, he too had to get a canulla put through his wrist and receive antibiotics. We eventually ended up staying 5 nights at the hospital to receive this.

Thanks for reading and apologies for the long story! He is now 12 weeks and here's a recent picture of him!