I'm going crazy trying to figure my BBT chart out!

Brittany • Happily Married since Nov 2015 😍 TTC for 2 years for #1 together. Angel baby 👼🏻 04/06/2007 praying for my 🌈

I need some help ladies... i had symptoms of ovulation yesterday (cramping) but my temps don't seem to show that I ovulated yesterday. It shows a spike on the 3rd. My Ovia app estimated that I ovulated on CD17 last month (could've swore the app said CD18 a day ago) so now I'm extremely confused. Since I haven't had a 3 day temp rise, does it mean I might not have ovulated yet? Maybe I am going to ovulate late in my cycle like it said I did last month?! Today is CD16 for me out of a 27-28 day cycle