It took me 11 months to get pregnant with my first

Tara • 02.22.16 ZJLA Baby #2 is on his way!!!!
It took me 11 months to get pregnant with my first. After I had him, my sex drive plumpted due to breastfeeding. I weaned my son off to night weaning only around 1 year (feb). My sex drive FINALLY came back. My husband even joked that "we had sex more this week than all of last year." And he was right! Well... it just so happened to be during my peak week. I cannot believe this. I'm excited, scared, in disbelief - a ball of emotions right now because I just found out IM PREGNANT! Are we even ready??? My son JUST turned 1. Too late now... deep down I'm super duper excited. But right now... I'm just thinking of work (I'm a teacher), disability, money, breastfeeding, fully weaning my son, two kids in diapers. Well. Here we go!!!!!