What would you do?

Breanna • 🌸Mommy of a handsome boy and beautiful girl!🌸

I just took my cousins girlfriend and their 4 month old son home from the zoo. He started crying about 30 minutes Into the drive we had 10-15 more minutes to go and she asks if it's okay for her to climb in the back so she can breast feed him! We are on a highway and so I told her I would pull over at the next exit so she could safely feed him. She was furious at me. She just told me to keep driving and get them home. So I did meanwhile the baby is still crying which doesn't bother me. My cousin yelled at me when I dropped her off, and said that he doesn't want anything to do with me any longer🤷🏼‍♀️ I told him his loss, and said sorry for keeping his girlfriend and kid safe.What would you do?

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