
So this morning I went garage saling around our local neighborhood, and there was this man who was like, "so when's the due date, yesterday??" *laugh laugh* I'm like, "no, October." Completely deadpan. He's like, "my wife was this big when she was NINE months" he gestures that she had gained like half a pound during her entire pregnancy. Also totally implying that any woman who has a substantial baby bump is just huge and that cannot POSSIBLY be normal 🙄😒

Like what kind of ignorant person makes a comment like that?! He basically said I'm the size of a house! Has he never seen any other pregnant woman before??

Every woman carries differently and just because his wife was small DOES NOT MEAN that every other pregnant woman is going to carry small, and that also does not mean that my pregnancy and baby are not perfectly healthy .... Like how tactless can you even get?? I hate that everyone in the universe thinks they can comment on or dictate a woman's weight or size just because she is pregnant, like that is none of your business before, it's none of your business now 😤

I just kind of said 'interesting' didn't laugh, didn't smile, and walked away. I also didn't look at the rest of their garage sale ... not to mention, people were standing all around looking at the garage sale ...So random other people heard that I'm apparently the size of a truck, and that it's funny, and shocking. 😐

I don't know, I always kind of figured I was around average size too, currently 27w6d. These pictures were taken recently, but I might be just slightly bigger now. Anyone else have a rant to share about a tactless comment somebody made?